Latest Musical Projects
Diary of a Shapeshifter, Chapter 2
This is the second musical compostion in the Diary of a Shapeshifter series. This is not only the first tune in this series where tonal instruments are introduced, but my first serious attempt ever at composing with tonal instruments. Diary of a Shapeshifter, Chapter...
Same Boat Now
Some time ago I was turned on to an African drummer named DouDou N'diaya Rose. The first time I heard his ensemble I was floored. Particularly with the pocket his music creates. It's such a wobbly, almost drunken groove that you simply can not avoid it. The other...
A Little Less
I was a little hungover one morning and started humming the root part. By the time I got to recording the basics, I was a little less hung over... hence the title. I've really been into 5 lately. This little ditty moves from a 5/4 to a big 5 waltz. It started as a...
Let’s Play Music
Christopher is available for certain live performance engagements, recording sessions, remote collaborations, and private percussion lessons.
If you would like to license any of his musical catalog for commercial purposes, please contact Christopher for more information.
Dark Soul
Music written, arranged, performed, and recorded by:
Christopher Austin.
Video written and produced by:
Christopher Austin.